Creative billing

How to add a creative for Viber

Fill in all standard fields

  1. Give a creative a Name.
  2. Specify the Landing Page.
    It is an address where users will be redirected after a click.
  3. Specify Advertiser’s URL.
    It is an address where users will eventually land on.
  4. If necessary, choose HTTPS support.
    Select Yes to deliver a creative on websites with both HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
    If No, a creative won’t be delivered on websites with HTTPS protocol.

Fill in all fields in the Viber section

  1. Fill in TitleDescription, and CTA Button.
    Title must contain just a title or a short text related to a product or a service that is advertised. The maximum number of characters: 30.
    Description is a short description of a product or a service that is advertised. Recommended number of characters: 60 (max 90).
    CTA Button is a description of a call-to-action (CTA) button for a destination URL. The maximum number of characters: 15.
  2. Click Upload to add a creative.

Additional banner settings are optional.

Banner attributes are ones a creative has (autosound, autoplay, etc.).
Event tracking is used to collect statistics on clicks, views, confirmed views, and others. To set it up, you need to provide a URL to an external system that will count up in a respective field.
Content labels are set to identify a creative. As a result, a creative will show on the web pages that correspond a subject. To prevent an unwanted creative view, set Excluded labels.

Creative requirements


  • Maximum size — 50×50
  • File types: .jpg, .png


  • Size: 300×156
  • File types: .jpg, .png
For any questions regarding ad manuals please contact the support manager of your account.
Updated on November 17, 2023