Creative billing

The Native creative template will allow you to deliver ad content that will not violate the natural context and will not cause rejection. Native ad formats take the form and function of the main content in which they are placed. When creating an ad creative, you can specify the placement type that determines the position of advertising on the page, regardless of the surrounding content, the type and subtype of the content, surrounding the ads on the page.

The native creative template contains the following fields for filling in:

  1. Name;
  2. Click Add Client/Advertiser/Brand and select a client, an advertiser and a brand from the list;
  3. Target URL – target URL when you click ad, if a content link is not supported by a device or is not available;
  4. Advertiser’s URL;
  5. Support HTTPS switcher — select Yes to support HTTPS;
  6. Cancel attrs autoselection switcher — select Yes to set parameters by yourself.

Main information block:

  1. Title – the title or short text associated with the product or service advertised;
  2. Desc – descriptive text associated with the product or service being advertised;
  3. Main image:
    • select File type – local or by URL;
    • Upload a file;
    • set width and height.
  4. Icon:
    • enter Target URL;
    • set size.

Information about the trading unit block:

  1. Sponsored – “Sponsored By” message where the response should contain the brand name of the sponsor;
  2. Price – price for product/app/in-app purchase. The value should include currency symbol in localized format;
  3. Saleprice – sale price that can be used together with price to indicate a discounted price compared to a regular price. The value should include currency symbol in localized format;

Additional information block:

  1. Desc2 – additional descriptive text associated with the product or service being advertised;
  2. Displayurl – display URL for the text ad. To be used when sponsoring entity doesn’t own the content. That is sponsored by brand on the site where the site is transmitted in this field;
  3. Ctatext – CTA description – descriptive text describing a call to action button for the destination URL;
  4. Phone – phone number;
  5. Address – address.

Application information block:

  1. Rating – rating of the product being offered to the user. For example, an app’s rating in an app store from 0 to 5. Integer formatted as string;
  2. Likes – number of social ratings or “likes” of the product being offered to the user showing the its popularity and prevalence;
  3. Downloads – number of downloads or installs of this product.

Settings for placement in content block:

  1. Placement type:
    • in the feed of content — for example as an item inside the organic feed/grid/listing/carousel;
    • in the atomic unit of the content — that is in the article page or single image page;
    • outside the core content — for example in the ads section on the right rail, as a banner-style placement near the content, etc.;
    • recommendation widget, most commonly presented below the article content.
  2. Context type:
    • content-centric context such as newsfeed, article, image gallery, video gallery, or similar;
    • social-centric context such as social network feed, email, chat, or similar;
    • product context such as product listings, details, recommendations, reviews, or similar.
  3. Context subtypes:
    • general social content such as a general social network;
    • primarily email content;
    • primarily chat/IM content;
    • general or mixed content;
    • primarily article content which could include images, etc. as part of the article;
    • primarily video content;
    • primarily audio content;
    • primarily image content;
    • user-generated content – forums, comments, etc.;
    • application store or marketplace;
    • content focused on selling products, whether digital or physical;
    • product reviews site primarily, which may sell product secondarily.

Additional banner settings block:

  1. banner properties;
  2. event tracking;
  3. content labels;
  4. excluded labels.

Press Save to save the creative.

For any questions regarding ad manuals please contact the support manager of your account.
Updated on November 17, 2023