Creative billing

Native advertising looks like a part of the content in an environment it is placed in (a website, an app, etc.) and thus doesn’t repel users. The ad format is popular with social media and news feeds.

Native Universal template consists of several blocks.

General Information

  1. Enter a Name.
  2. Optionally turn off HTTPS support (on by default).
  3. Optionally choose a creative rotation priority to other creatives of the profile.
  4. Enter a Landing Page.
    If a landing page is a link to an event tracker, always enter an Advertiser’s site (final URL the user go to from a landing page).

Creative Settings

Main Information

  • Title — a title or a short text associated with the product or service being advertised.
  • Description — a descriptive text associated with the product or service being advertised.
  • Main image. We have two types of image uploading: Local и URL.
    • Local — you upload an image from your computer. Press Upload and choose the file you need.
    • URL — you upload an image through a link. Enter an image URL in a respective field.
  • Icon — your brand’s or your app’s logo. You can upload an image only through URL.

Information about the trading unit

  • Sponsored — a Sponsored By message that should contain the brand name of the sponsor.
  • Price — a price for product / app / in-app purchase. A value should include a currency symbol in a localised format.
  • Saleprice — a sale price that can be used together with a price to indicate a discounted price compared to a regular price. A value should include a currency symbol in a localised format.

Additional information

  • Desc2 — an additional descriptive text associated with the product or service being advertised.
  • Displayurl — a URL that is displayed for the text ad.
  • CTA Text — a text describing a call-to-action button for the destination URL.
  • Phone — a phone number.
  • Address

Application information

  • Rating — a rating of the product being offered to the user. For example, an app’s rating in an app store from 0 to 5.
  • Likes — a number of social ratings or “likes” of the product being offered to the user.
  • Downloads — a number of downloads/installs of this product.

Settings for placement in content

The template supports native ads versions 1.0 and 1.1 (IAB standard).
Placement Type and Content Type apply to version 1.1, Layouts and Ad Units to 1.0. You should choose at least one placement type and one content type.

Placement Type

  • In the feed of content — an ad in the organic news feed, listing, grid, etc.
  • In the atomic unit of the content — in the article page or single image page.
  • Outside the core content — in the ads section on the right rail, as a banner-style placement near the content, etc.
  • Recommendation widget, most commonly presented below the article content.


  • Content-Centric — content-centric context such as newsfeed, article, image gallery, video gallery, or similar.
    • General or mixed content — combination of several types of content on a page.
    • Primarily article content can include images, etc. as part of the article.
    • Primarily video content — pages of video storage sites.
    • Primarily audio content — pages of audio storage sites.
    • Primarily image content — pages of image storage sites.
    • User-generated content — forums, comments, etc.
  • Social-Centric — context such as social network feed, email, chat, or similar.
    • General social content — social networks etc.
    • Primarily email content — pages of mail services sites.
    • Primarily chat/IM content — chat pages or IM apps.
  • Product — context such as product listings, details, recommendations, reviews, or similar.
    • Content focused on selling products — listings, details, recommendations.
    • Application store/marketplace — pages of sites or services that sell applications.
    • Product reviews site primarily — secondary goal can be selling product.

Settings that apply to native ads version 1.0 are optional. Layouts and Ad Units correspond to Placement Type and Content Type in the native ads version 1.1. We recommend to use all settings below as some publishers may use the older native ads version.

Layouts (Optional)

  • Content Wall — an ad is placed within web page’s content.
  • App Wall — in an app store.
  • News Feed — in a news feed.
  • Chat List — in chat apps.
  • Carousel — in a sliding unit.
  • Content Stream — in a social media’s news feed.
  • Grid adjoining the content — in the blocks next to content.

Ad Units (Optional)

  • Paid Search — a paid search ad will be found above the organic search results.
  • Recommendation Widgets — an ad shows in a recommendation widget which is usually placed after the main content.
  • Promoted Listings — an ad shows as a list of goods or services on a site, or a search result on this site.
  • In-Ad with Native Element Units — a display ad that is contextually relevant to page content.
  • Custom / “Can’t Be Contained” — an individually designed ad that doesn’t fit into any of the above categories.
For any questions regarding ad manuals please contact the support manager of your account.
Updated on July 26, 2024