Creative billing


A type of video ad that plays in VAST 2.0 compatible video player before, during or after the main video content. It plays for intended number of seconds and then the main video plays.

Asset requirements


  • File type: .flv, .mp4, .webm
  • File size: max 3 Mb
  • Max duration: up to 30 sec (recommended)
  • Video file dimensions: 1280×720 (recommended), 640х480 (also acceptable)
  • Bit rate: not less than 1000 kbps

Template Settings

The template settings are available in the UI.

Video Upload Type According to A Source (Direct or Third-party)

  • Local (direct):
    • Local — video will be uploaded to a server from the user’s computer
    • Length — video duration; defined automatically on uploading
    • Skip Ad in — a period in seconds after which a close/skip button appears
  • Close button showing time — a period in seconds within which a close button will be shown
  • VASTXML (third-party) — a video source and all the creative’s parameters are loaded as an .xml file
  • VASTURL (third-party) — VASTURL from a third-party source
  • JS tracker — a tracker that is sent in an .xml file in the block
Expand the code example
                   //Here is a link to your .js tracker file

For a JS tracker, you should specify a reference to the .js file.
More about Ad verification and viewability you may find in VAST 4.0 document.

Event tracking

  • View
  • Confirmed view
  • Click
  • Start
  • Progress (firstQuartile, midpoint, thirdQuartile, complete)
  • Skip
  • Mute/Unmute
  • Pause
  • Resume
  • Fullscreen
Updated on July 31, 2024