Creative billing

Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) is a solution that allows you to create highly effective and personalized ad content combinations based on various elements of your advertisement creatives. These elements include images, text, video, etc. combined to reach the set advertisement goals (retargeting, impressions, lead conversion, reach, app installs, and many others).

This allows you to create and target creatives that result in the most optimal results for viewable impressions, clicks, and other actions. You can also target such creatives to the users that have viewed a certain product or visited a certain webpage.

Working with DCO

Adding a new creative

To create a new dynamic creative and optimize it, complete the following:

  1. Go to Creatives Dynamic Creative Optimization menu.
  2. Press Add new creative.
  3. Enter a Name.
  4. Select or enter the Creative Size.
  5. Select the Landing Page Type.
  6. Select the web protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) and enter the Landing Page URL.
  7. Select an Advertiser.
  8. Enter an Adevertiser URL.
  9. Press Save.

Editing the creative

After the creative is created, it can be set up by uploading elements and setting up the targetings and variants.

The elements of the DCO creative may include the following:

  • backgrounds
  • images
  • logos
  • headlines
  • text
  • buttons
  • price tags.

Every element can be assigned with a particular size, position, background color, alignment, background color, and image file.

Text for the text elements (headlines, text, buttons, and price tags) is entered into a corresponding field. Text parameters can be set up as well.

The DCO targetings are set for each variant. To select and set targetings for the creative, press Targetings on the DCO editor blade.

In a new blade, the available targeting setting options. To create new settings, press the button in the top right corner of the blade. The selected targeting types will be available for the variants as presets or available targetings.

The DCO variants are combinations of the set elements. each variant can be assigned with a landing page URL and targetings.

To create a new variant, press Variants on the editor blade and then press a button in the top right corner of the new blade.

In another new blade set the DCO variant up by completing the following:

  1. Enter a Name.
  2. Enter Landing Page URL.
  3. Select the available elements for this variant:
    1. Background
    2. Image
    3. Logo
    4. Headline
  4. Set the targetings up. To do this, select the corresponding tab in the variant elements.

For each variant, the targetings selected for the creative are available. Select the targetings of different types from the dropdown menu.

After the creative is set up, it must pass the validation process. 

The Mechanism of Work with DCO

The main principle of the DCO is that the elements and targeting can be combined in a flexible manner in order to produce the most personalized advertisement possible, which largely outruns the static creatives regarding efficiency. For example, if a product line contains products for both men and women, you can create variants for each segment and target them correspondingly. This allows you to target different ads using only one creative template, thus saving your resources and increasing the efficiency of your advertisement.

Updated on May 15, 2024