Header Bidding and Header Bidding Wrapper

Header Bidding is an advanced programmatic technology that allows publishers to offer their ad inventory to many demand partners simultaneously via a client-side or a server-side auction. This auction launches with a JavaScript tag placed on a header part of a webpage. It begins loading along with the page sending bid requests to all connected demand partners - SSPs, AdExchanges, ad networks, - before the ad server is called. 

The Header Bidding Wrapper is a piece of JavaScript code that organizes all connected buyers and sets the rules for the auction. It is also known as a container or a framework. For web display ads, the header bidding code is placed in a web page's header, but there are cases when no JS code in the header is needed: video HB auctions happen in the video player while in-app and sometimes web display HB auctions are held on a server. 

Here are the simplified version of how HB works for web display ads:

  1. Web page starts loading and calls Header Bidding Wrapper.
  2. HB Wrapper pauses the ad server tag (often Google Ad Manager) and calls all connected demand partners.
  3. Demand partners send their bids along with the creatives, within a configured timeout. 
  4. HB Wrapper sends the highest bid (or all bids) to the ad server using key-value pairs.  Ad server matches configured line items and selects the winner.   
  5. Ad server renders the winning ad creative. 

To set everything up with Admixer Header Bidding Wrapper, follow the next articles

Updated on December 12, 2023